Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And We're Back...

Dear Faithful Wonderblog Readers,

Apologies for the very long delay in bringing the wonderblog back to life. Life itself, as you all may know, has a very bad habit of throwing curveballs into the family jewels of one's existence, causing an almost sickening crunching sound that forces one to curl up into so tightly formed a foetal position that reaching out into other more meaningful areas of activity stand the same chances of success as an Australian lamb gaining entry into the US market.

But, a crunch and a curl later, the author has slowly crawled his way back on the keyboard and is back on the writing saddle, ready to bore his faithful public with idle chitchat about postmodern faith, the evils of the state, and myriad varieties of pasta receipes.

In fact, let us begin with a reflection about that most myterious pasta, the gnocchi. Who would have thought a combination of flour and potato, with a few carresses of the palms, could produce a pasta so versatile, so filling, and light? A TV food critic once described the perfect gnocchi as a "fart in the mouth". Must the author really engage one's imagination concerning what this critic did in order to come up with a description such as that?

The Author shall refrain from engaging your imagainations thus. Instead, I shall direct your attention on to a simple fa...that is, gnocchi dish. Stir in the boiled gnocchi with lots of chopped basil leaves (fresh), garlic, some oregano leaves and salt. For the very adventerous, add a teaspoon of wonton soup base. The thought of mixing Oriental ingredients with something so mediterranean would strike someone as culinary blasphamy. But such an indispensible and versatile ingredient is the wonton soup mix, that it adds the perfect flavour boost to any dish. Stir all that in, and it is ready.

And now, full of pasta, let us continue with this rollercoaster ride...

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