The Author is a slight specimen bearing the haircut that either resembles a suspiciously well-orchestrated lawn mowing accident or a calcium deficient sea urchin. He resides on a little stone shack, which is situated on top of a hill, which in turn is situated in a leafy suburb of Brisbane, the capital city of a quaint little state called Queensland. The soon-to-be-Republic of Australia is the ark that houses this quaint little state, which is said to be very popular for its beaches, coral reefs, lawyers, property investment returns and a local brew bearing the label of "XXXX".
Back to the stone shack, in which you would find the Author engaging in activities which normally require the metabolism of a beetle larva. Like a beetle larva, the author is often found scurrying from room to room in the search for sustenance. Unlike most beetle larvae, however, the Author could also be found in the kitchen engaging in intricate rituals in an attempt to conjure up such sustenance from the most basic matter. The fact that 9 times out of 10, the result of this alchemy resembles some form of pasta, is another characteristic that sets the Author apart from your average invertebrate.
This almost obsessive focus on food is often believed to be the result of the Author's genetic makeup, which is said to be unique and found nowhere else on earth. That is unless you go to the tiny and remote island of Singapura, where at least 4 million individuals bear a striking resemblance to the Author, at least inasfar as his penchant for culinary delights is concerned.

As was mentioned in a previous wonderpost, the Author's Catholicity is often infused in his work. Given that the Author is at the beginnings of a Doctoral project on the relationship between theology and politics in 20th century Roman Catholic peacemaking, the Author finds it difficult NOT to bring his Catholicity and wear it on his sleeve.
When the sun shines and the urge to complete a Doctoral project subsides, the Author can sometimes be found interacting with normal human beings, whether in the capacity of a dispenser of perennial wisdom (the industry term is "tutor"), or in the capacity of...well... let us say that one may be hard pressed to find any other situation where normal human beings would desire to interact with the Author.
When he is not working or eating, the Author is sleeping.
When he is not doing any of the three, he is often found either in a place of worship or externalising whatever comes out of that steaming cauldron which is his imagination. The resultant topics can concern non-culinary issues, like music (in the hip-hop, opera, rock or Celtic varieties), computor games, shopping and various forms of gadgetry. Whether other people are around to be at the receiving end of the externalisation process is a highly variable element in the equation, the chances of this happening being directly proportional to the probability of the presence of food that is not pasta.
And so we have come full circle, a brief expose on the inner workings of the Author has been outlined, and the reader may be left wondering whether it is safe to continue riding the wonderblog. Believe the Author when he says it is safe, and that the pesto is ready...
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